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The incredible Tarawera 100 miler New Zealand ~Alex Scott

Kerry Sutton

Standing on the start line at 4 AM listening to the traditional Maori welcome and blessing with 440 other runners I was excited for what lay ahead. I had put in the training and the planning but my longest run in training was 45 km, my longest run ever was 85km in Morocco so how will my body go for 162KM ? This I would find out over the next 27 and a half hours.

Head torches on and we are off. The start line is at Te Puia. This is a spiritual place and as you run along the boardwalks you are running past steam and geysers lit up by lights.

The 100 Mile course  of Tarawera takes you on a Journey through lush native bush, towering redwoods, past 8 glistening lakes and down crystal clear streams. There were times along the course where you are on wide hard compact forestry road but before long you are back in the forest.

To me what really separates Tarawera as a race venue to others is the spiritualness of the location, the connection to the Maori culture and the amazing volunteers that you meet along the way.

The aid station were stocked with food a plenty, lollies, sandwiches, chips, hot noodles, soup and pizza! Along with  NAAK products, elctrolytes , waffles etc. So much food and hydration I could have got away with carrying less myself.

My day went well, I felt strong. The weather was amazing not to hot during day with cloud cover and at night not cold. The night running was amazing. I had not spent much time running at night on the trails but as it got dark I made some new friends and we ran together which helps with more light on the trails. Dark forest awaits and it was dark ! I did see a possum and wallaby on the trail which is pretty freaky when running along and your head torch lights up the beady eyes of an animal.

Through the night section I ended up running and walking with a local runner who was struggling. He could not eat much food as was overall uncomfortable. I decided to stay with him and it was nice to have some company. I could have finished my race in a few hours less but I enjoyed the conversation so why not stay together.

From the last aid station its 7km to the finish. You are allowed to have friends/family accompany you for this section. My fiance and sister had been on the course at various aid stations supporting me and after they parked the car at the finish the walked back and met me with 3 km to go. The 3 of us walked it home and crossed the finish line together. I had completed 162KM and felt amazing. Emotions running high but so grateful for the experience. The 100 mile finishers do not get the standard finishers medal but you are walked over to a table where you get to choose your Pounamu. Pounamu is a greenstone, highly valued in Maori culture. It is something that you need to earn and can not buy. Such a special token and one that I am very proud to have earned. I gave my Pounamu to my fiance.

Straight back to the motel to rest. I took my shoes off and was excited to see I only had 1 small blister on my big toe! I hopped in to a spa bath with Epsom salts, inhaled 2 bacon and egg mcmuffins and a coffee and then in to bed for 4 hours of deep sleep with an immense sense of achievement and pride! It is amazing what the human body can achieve. The belief that my coach Kerry had in me to complete this distance gave me the confidence that on the start line I just knew I would finish and earn my Pounamu. Unfortunately 75 runners were not so lucky to experience the finish but I have no doubt they will want to be back to try again!

If you are ever looking to do a 100 miler I would say Tarawera in New Zealand is a must!


What I learnt

-              My planning on course nutrition and hydration was perfect. If anything I could take less snacks know that the Aid stations have plentiful.

-              Training wise, I would love to get in more longer running with elevation for extended periods of time around 6-8% gradient. There was a 14km section on the course around 6% and was on hard compact forestry road that was runnable but I was unsure of the impact later in the race. Definitely more upper body strength and leg strength but all in all the plan worked!

-              Kowing now I could have pushed a little harder I feel without compromising the race but for my first outing I am so proud of my achievement.

-              I could have also been be a little more efficient through aid stations but all in all they were well planned and the notes and maps I had for Wendy and my sister were perfect.

-              Other than the above I don’t think I would change much else.


"You only need to spend a few minutes with Kerry to feel how passionate and dedicated she is to sport and running in particular. Her ultra marathon successes are an inspiration. I’d be happy to recommend her".
Sharron Davis - MBE, Olympic Medalist

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