Spend the day with Shane Benzie,
Running technique specialist and author of the bestselling
‘The Lost Art of Running’
Sunday 13th February
Odd down Sports ground, Bath
£170 for the day
Limited places.
The Running Reborn method is all about helping you to truly understand how the body moves – from the elasticity of its fascial system to the proper technique for every aspect of your running.
Shane uses the latest video technology to provide personal video analysis, dissecting your movement and giving personalised feedback.
The day begins at 10am and finishes at 5pm.
Places are limited to ensure everyone receives good feedback on analysis and has lots of time to ask questions and interact in discussions.
Outside for video analysis
Discussions on:
Perception of movement
Foot contact
Stride length
Outside for video analysis:
Outside for video analysis
Running dynamics
Gears of speed
Analysis of stride
Outside for video analysis
All analysis takes place outside in the natural environment, away from the treadmill, this ensures that our natural movement is analysed and worked on. For all presentations and discussions, we step back inside the Pavilion. There is free onsite parking.
Your running gear
Trainers suitable for short grass
Something to make notes on
Lunch is not provided, there is a basic café serving hot drinks, jacket potatoes and sandwiches.
To find out more about Shane visit www.runningreborn.com
To secure your place visit www.perpetualmotioncoaching.com and send me a message via the contact form.
