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Plank and Ski-sit Challenge

Kerry Sutton

It’s challenge time!

This one spans the whole month.

It consists of a ski-sit and plank. As ever it starts seemingly easy and gradually gets gnarly.

There are two levels to this challenge depending on your starting point.

Either: Daily 30s ski-sit and 30s plank which increases by 5 seconds every day. Or: 30s ski-sit and 30s plank which increases by 10 seconds every day.

With the first option you will finish the month holding a plank and a ski sit for 2 mins 55 seconds each.

With the second option you will finish holding both for 5 mins 20 seconds each.

Both impressive times!

Take your pick based on what you can do now. Remember keeping your form is really important.

I suggest setting yourself a daily reminder or alternatively always doing it at the same time of day so it becomes habit and doesn’t get forgotten.

Are you in?

Below are photos and descriptions showing how to properly perform the exercises and what benefits this challenge will bring. Good luck.

The ski-sit

How to do the ski-sit: • Lean back against the wall • Feet shoulder-width apart. • Sit down until your thighs are parallel with the ground. • Your knees should be above your ankles and bent at right-angles. • Keep your head, shoulders and upper back against the wall. • Bring your abs to your spine. • Keep your hands loose. Try not to use them on your thighs for support.

Benefits of the ski-sit: • Tightens your abs • Tones your calves • Helps relieve stress, think of it as a form of meditation • Improves your stability • Improves your posture and flexibility. It takes it fundamentals from yoga • Strengthens and trims your legs • Increases your stamina

The Plank

How to do a plank pose 1. Keep your elbows and shoulders in line. 2. Watch your neck. Don’t have it scrunched up. 3. Pull your shoulders away from your ears. 4. Keep your gaze slightly in front of your hands. 5. Move your thighs backward and straighten your legs. Your heels should be right over the balls of the feet 6. Your neck, spine, and legs should form one line (a mirror will help at the beginning). Don’t drop your tummy, chest, or legs. 7. Concentrate on your breaths. 8. Try to push the mat away — this will help to fully engage your arms. 9. Rest in childs pose afterwards.

Benefits of a plank pose • Strengthens wrists, arms, legs, core, neck, and more! • Trains core muscles • Tones glutes • Strengthens spine muscles and improves posture • Builds stamina • Helps you focus on the present moment • Gives you a sense of achievement.


"You only need to spend a few minutes with Kerry to feel how passionate and dedicated she is to sport and running in particular. Her ultra marathon successes are an inspiration. I’d be happy to recommend her".
Sharron Davis - MBE, Olympic Medalist

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