Christmas time… that time of year when we feel obliged to meet up with everyone we have ever known. We rush about in a flurry of social engagements, gradually depleting ourselves of sleep and rely more and more on empty carbs (alcohol) to get us through.
In short, our year-round good habits go out of the window and we are busier than we have ever known. Stop! Don’t let your fitness slide too. 15-30mins a day is all you need to keep your fitness on track. Better still get the kids involved.
Here is my list of 5 things you might like to try to involve everyone in your fitness regime.
1 – Stair challenge. See who run up and down the most times in a given period. Or who can run up and down the most times before they collapse!
2- Organise a kitchen Christmas Dance-a-thon. Turn up the Christmas tunes and dance for 20mins. Prize for the most energetic dancer!
3- Weight session using the possums as weights. Give them a piggy back as you squat, lunge, climb the stairs, or do a seated row where they provide resistance. You can lie on the floor and “press’ them as they lie plank like above you. NB only use your lightest kids…. Don’t strain your back carrying your 15 year old. Work within your limits!
4 – Cycle/Run. Head out with the kids on bikes whilst you run/ bike along side. Make either the end point or mid point a pub where you are warm up and enjoy a debrief and laugh round the table together (why not take a pack of cards or pocket game to continue the fun as you rehydrate.)
5 – Beat the dog. Two people stand a predetermined distance apart (“predetermined” by how fit you are!), giving yourself a head start, sprint to the second person. The first person holds on to your pooch only releasing him/her a few seconds after so that you stand a sporting chance!